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This is so f*cking awesome. From a dev perspective, this is nothing else like "A game about digging a hole", its probably also marching cubes used but that game blew up and this here was just made in 3days for a JAM and its free :D i found it because i searched on how to reproduce that another game and came into marching cubes and this looks so awesome and it generated so much creative ideas for games where you can transform the terrain. Like a whole planet or just digging holes in the garden, lol.

Thank you !

i saw this bc i looked at mythic legions posts and omg im in love

How do you disable bloom on mac?

Sorry there is no options to disable the bloom

oh ok lol. It's just because everything is so bright, so I can't see anything.


On paper I don't know if I would have wanted to play at it. But in practice I had so much fun exploring and making my little mech evolve. I also really like the fact you have to avoid the sun. It's an idea that I always found to be awesome but it's the first time I play a game that exploits it well. Congrats it's an awesome game!

Thank you very much :D

Mac version is broken...

(1 edit) (+1)

I dont have a mac to test it, it is probably a permission problem. I built it on a windows machine so it has default permissions. Using the console go to the game folder :

cd <PATH_TO_FOLDER>/Sunburn -

Then change the permissions

chmod -R 777

It should then work, tell me if that did the trick !


Thank you ! Glad you enjoyed it :D


Really enjoyed this one! It's the third game in the video, but I spent the longest with it! 


Thank you for playing ! Glad you enjoyed it :D

(2 edits) (+1)

bes game ever it isnt the most theme fitting game but please I want more if you will add new stuff like posibility to upgrade spaceship itself (like recharger or somerhing) you will drive dhis game to perfect game whatsoever.

Edit: Ant yes ths post is mspelt on purpuse

Sorry but i probably wont update this game and keep it as an example of what i can do in 3 days. On the other hand, i will probably use this terrain system on future games :)


Good job i completed game keep it up


Great game! Will it support saving progress in the future?

(1 edit)

Not planned for the moment but i will probably use the terrain part for some future projects !

Deleted 2 years ago

Hi, you can DM me on twitter 


Stonks were made, SPF 2000 applied, and ascension into the sun achieved.

You did a better job than me to describe the gameplay loop xD


Amazing! Great work!! I would love to hear something about, how you implemented this game (transforming the world).


Thank you ! It is called "Marching Cubes" There is a GREAT video from Sebastian Lague explaining very well how it works :)

For the transformation, i simply pass a radius based brush through my arrays of density, add / substract the density values of each cell inside the brush radius and rebuild the mesh.




This is soooo beautiful!!!! wow!!


Cool little game!

Nothing much to add, as it's simplicity is part of it's charm. 

However, the upgrade interface could be a little prettier and the game can crash when loading the upgrades menu or just take a very long time to load it. And a more clear-cut end, so that the player knows that there is nothing more to achieve than exploration!

But great work! :D


(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for your feedback, i had to rush many parts of the game, that's why there is not enough polish on multiple things. I will probably improve at least the Ui when the jam's rating period is over !